Wednesday 7 November 2007

Here's today's candidate, parked on our street. I've seen him do this once before and thought it was just a rushed error, but here he is again. Left it there like that overnight too. Thank you, Mr. Nob, you've just hogged 2 entire spaces on a street that has a shortage of them to start with. What do you do with people like this? My car's bigger that his, just by a little bit, yet I can fit into that first space and leave full use of the lot behind me for my neighbours.

Friday 19 October 2007

Muppet Debut

Here's the debut, the guy who really got stuck in my craw this morning and helped turn an idea into reality:

I came out to the car this morning to see this guy parked like this. Our street is a busy one for parking sometimes, and the lots are not the most generous, so I had made sure I was well within those little white lines.

Then along comes this genius and decides to fit into the lot behind me. He had obviously backed in, his tow hook smack against the rear of a neighbour's car behind him. You can see the clearance between his car and mine. There was the same amount of clearance with the car behind him, so how did he get into that space? Simple... see the black marks on his bumper in the second picture up there... that's MY paint from MY car which this Nob damaged in his quest for a parking lot made for cars, not minivans. Unfortunately my camera has not enough pixels or clarity to pick up the damage he has done to my car, but at least I got the other details... and look at the state of his bumper - pretty obvious how he gets himself into parking lots. Bugger never even left a note. Such is the neighbourliness in this town.

So, Mr VB-PS-67, you've made the Muppet Debut but you're officially a Nob.

Welcome To Muppetland

After months of just thinking about it, and of stewing in my own thoughts and frustrations, I have finally gotten my act together to bring you this site. Welcome to Muppetland, except this site has nothing to do with those cute, sometimes funny, creatures we all learned to love as children. We are dedicated here to a totally different sort of Muppet, a definition of which you'll find here ---> . You'll also find a definition of Nob there (if you did not already know what that is).

This blog is dedicated to the tendency of the average, above average and not-so-average human being to disengage all intelligence and decency and turn into complete Muppets and Nobs as soon as they are placed behind the wheel of an automotive vehicle. So, let's be entertained and terrified by this class of ... err ... individual ...